ISC Infra

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ISC Infra

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ISC Infra

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Welcome to ISC Infra

General Contactor special in plumbing

We’re at Iscinfra Plumbing and Civil services pleased to serve commercial customers; our team of experts are prepared to help you with the sales, service, and installation ideal for your business. Iscinfra Plumbing and Civil Company is a pioneer in commercial plumbing and Civil in India. In our 16 +year history. We believe civil engineering is about people, site functionality at its best, long-term solutions, cost savings and meeting deadlines. Our architectural and building design capabilities cover a wide range of commercial office

We provide the plumbing and civil minded insight you need for complete project success. We have completed over 60 commercial plumbing and air conditioning projects in the Telangana, Andhra Bengaluru, Chennai, Delhi and Mumbai area, including projects with Telangana State.

We completed Project with Meha engraining, CCL products, Natco Pharma, LV Prasad Hospitals, Rws Department (RWS water supply Sate of Telangana) Madhu Con projects, and Metro Chemicals were one of a handful of plumbing companies responsible for the commercial plumbing. And civil companies originally Established in 2003.

Why Choose Us

We have accredited equipment and committed experts to see the work through with ease


We strictly adhere to the timings assigned to us. You set the time and we'll stay committed to it!

Standard Pricing

You don't have to break the bank to get your problem fixed. Our services are aptly priced without hidden costs!

Certified Professionals

All our professionals are certified and excel in their respective fields. They are dedicated and know their jobs well

Customer Review

Clients testimonial

Our Services

With the help of our qualified and experienced professionals, we are succeeded in becoming one of the leading plumber service providers in Hyderabad.